Making Art in Quarantine
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”
I believe this time of quarantine has cursed us all with this idea we must accomplish many things. Only maybe three weeks in to quarantine I decided that I would use the time to create artwork, paintings, in particular, and many of them. I had the idea that I could create a whole portfolio of work that I had been wanting to create for years on end.
Instead, I found myself watching television shows I had been wanting to watch, making zoom calls and sharpening my cooking and communication skills. I also found myself desiring to make this blog.
Sometimes we set a goal for ourselves and it morphs. Or, as a dear friend of mine says, “They pivot. You pivot.”
I guess pivoting is okay. It’s not giving up. It’s not, not meeting your goals, it’s just finding new goals that align better with your vision.
I started the quarantine time trying to create art, with paper and tools, but now, I’ve found I’m creating art that resonates with my thoughts, my dreams, and something I can share instantly with everyone.
Whether you are actively creating during quarantine, or sitting and watching Netflix. You’ll be alright. You’re still growing and bettering yourself in your own way. You can consider this period, just, pivoting.